@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000094, author = {安田, 眞由美}, issue = {17}, journal = {長崎外大論叢, The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {I have taught three foreign students in Japanese language classes (A-san, B-san, C-san), who have received a diagnosis of "Asperger's syndrome" "high-functioning autism" in their country. Though the name of their diagnosis are same, their situations, problems and the feelings that they are troubled with are different in each. Therefore it is necessary to support them individually each time.In this paper, I report the situations of A-san, B-san, and C-san, and the feelings that they are troubled with. And I show an opinion on the construction of the preparation for acceptance of foreign students with developmental disabilities.}, pages = {139--153}, title = {発達障害を持つ留学生の指導と課題(1) -自閉症スペクトラムのケースを通して-}, year = {2013} }