@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000771, author = {JACOBS, Nyree}, issue = {23}, journal = {長崎外大論叢, The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {Traditionally, classroom-based language assessment has taken the form of standardized paper and pencil tests. However, due to concerns about the effectiveness of assessing learners’ knowledge based on limited scores and a narrow focus on standards and accountability, classroom-based assessment has adapted to reflect the interactive nature of the classroom and facilitate meaningful learning. This report looks at the theory behind classroom-based language assessment, provides a comparison of classroom-based assessment and large-scale tests, discusses alternative assessment tasks utilized for summative and formative purposes and considers reliability and validity when assessing in a classroom-based context. Future pathways will be explored and the report will conclude with a brief summary of implications for educators when implementing classroom-based assessment.  これまで、教室での語学学習の評価は、定式化された紙と鉛筆による形を取ってきた。しかしながら、限られたスコアに基づいて学習者の知識を評価することの有効性、基準となるものの焦点幅が狭いこと、さらに説明可能性に懸念があるため、教室での評価は教室での双方向性を反映して有意義な学習を促すように適合されてきた。本論文では、教室での語学学習の評価に関する理論を概観し、教室での評価と大規模なテストとの比較結果を提供し、総合的評価と形成的評価に用いられる代替的な評価について議論した上で、個別の教室での文脈において評価する際の信頼性と有効性を検討する。また、教育者が教室での評価を行うための意義と今後の展望を簡潔にまとめ、結論とする。}, pages = {1--9}, title = {Classroom-based Language Testing and Assessment: Teaching Practices, Issues and Future Pathways}, year = {2019} }