@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000608, author = {川﨑, 加奈子}, issue = {22}, journal = {長崎外大論叢, The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {The Dialect Compilation Tapes, a dialect corpus housed at the Kagoshima Prefectural Library, is a compilation of conversations among elderly people in different regions of Kagoshima prefecture, whereby transcribed conversations are displayed alongside their standard language translations. In this paper, an analysis of the semantics of expressions of politeness (attitudinal expression) used in the section of the corpus titled “Kagoshima City Dialect: Language Used with Peers/Friends” was performed, and their standard language translations from the perspective of a speaker of the dialect was verified. Interest in sentence ending particles in the Kagoshima dialect was the inspiration for this paper as they combine with the preceding form to demonstrate respect for the listener. Considering the intention of the corpus, which is to record the dialect before it becomes extinct, it is important that the standard language translations maintain the meaning of each linguistic marker as accurately as possible. This analysis indicates that it is necessary to further verify and revise the notation conventions used to transcribe recorded speech.}, pages = {53--70}, title = {鹿児島方言に現れる対人配慮表現とその共通語対訳の検証―鹿児島県立図書館方言採録テープより―}, year = {2018} }