@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000598, author = {PECK, Marshall Wayne}, issue = {21}, journal = {長崎外大論叢, The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {Abstract Vocabulary acquisition is a critical component of language learning and, as such, should hold a central place in every foreign language classroom. However, teaching vocabulary properly is both difficult and timeconsuming, and so is often taught using randomly selected lexical items, which are taught incrementally and without sufficient structuring and reinforcement. The result is that students become frustrated and lose motivation. Moreover, the crucial component of student confidence is diminished which does, in fact, directly affect other areas of language competency. To combat this, and to achieve excellence in vocabulary-building, it is essential that instructors apply appropriate techniques to facilitate students’ rapid acquisition of new lexical items while ensuring long-term retention. This includes systematically selecting vocabulary to be taught by considering the academic needs and competency levels of the students, as well as explicit instruction in strategies that promote learner autonomy. This article aims to demonstrate methods for choosing vocabulary items, and ways to organize and implement vocabulary curricula. 語彙の獲得は語学学習の重要な要素であり、クラス内で中心的な役割を果たすべきだ。しかし、語彙を適切に教えるのは困難で時間がかかる。よって講師たちは戦略や理屈を考えず、適当に語彙を選んで教えることが多い。その結果、学習者は不満を持ち意欲を失くす。そして最も致命的なことに、自信も失ってしまう。自信の喪失は、すべての言語能力分野に直接影響を及ぼす。この問題を防ぎつつ語彙の迅速な獲得を達成するためには、講師が適切なテクニックを使用することが不可欠だ。それには、学習者の自律性を促進するような戦略的な指導と、学生のニーズやレベルを考慮して教えるべき語彙を体系的に選択することが含まれる。本論文の目的は、語彙を効果的に選択する方法と語彙カリキュラムを整理し適用する方法を示すことである。}, pages = {105--114}, title = {Vocabulary Acquisition in the Foreign Language Classroom: Developing effective vocabulary-building programs for foreign language students}, year = {2017} }