@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000264, author = {後藤, 靖宏}, issue = {10}, journal = {長崎外大論叢, The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies}, month = {Nov}, note = {How do the pupils accept teachers' words of guidance? The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of teachers' verbal guidance on pupil's consciousness ( of emotions and enthusiasm). Although speech (language) is the fastest method of communication between people, it is not the only means of communication. We usually have two means of communication in human interaction, that is verbal communication and nonverbal communication. This is the same with pupil or student guidance. Nonverbal message (e.g., facial expressions, the tone of their voice, and gestures to create an atmosphere) is especially important in pupil guidance, because the teachers frequently appeal to their feelings rather than to their reason. Teachers' wishes and expectations are conveyed to pupils in a variety of subtle ways which have a powerful influence in growing or losing their enthusiasm and confidence in regard to learning activities. However, it is neither possible nor desirable to expect the same level of emotional response from all pupils as they all have different abilities and different individual interests. Motivation of the individual toward suitable goals is a fundamental element in pupil guidance. This paper will, therefore, be aware of how their behaviour may be interpreted and investigate the methods of guidance for various pupils.}, pages = {119--140}, title = {教師の言語的対応が生徒の情意機能に及ぼす影響に関する考察}, year = {2006} }