@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000261, author = {岡部, 悦子}, issue = {10}, journal = {長崎外大論叢, The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies}, month = {Nov}, note = {This paper analyzes the influences on a Japanese teacher's beliefs regarding students in TJSL. The teacher and the students exchanged comments about the topic of the class by e-mail every week. The e-mails were analyzed to see how the teacher's and the students' beliefs changed during the term. At first, the students' beliefs were restricted to comments such as "A Japanese teacher's job is just teaching Japanese." By the end of the course, however, their beliefs had more variety, and included comments on course design, and the need for consideration of the wider needs of learners of Japanese, etc. The teacher's priorities also changed, from an emphasis on teaching a large amount of information, to an emphasis on drawing out and developing the students' abilities. By exchanging e-mails with students, the teacher came to realize that that they were reflecting on the topics of lectures, deepening their interests and developing questions by themselves, and this caused her to change her attitude toward the class. The conclusion of this research is that influence was mutual, not simply and one-sidedly from the teacher to the students. Teacher and students influenced each other, and created a class together.}, pages = {77--92}, title = {日本語教師養成課程における教師の「日本語教師観」が学生に与える影響 -アクション・リサーチ報告(課題探求型AR)-}, year = {2006} }