@misc{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000018, author = {石田, 孝}, month = {Sep}, note = {Oura Kei (1828-1884), known as a businesswoman who pioneered the export of Japanese tea, was said to be in decline in her later years. However in the last decade, it has become clear that she worked with a group of talented fellows to develop various business activities in Tokyo metropolitan area after leaving her hometown Nagasaki. This article examines her achievements by translating the Chinese text of ‘Oura Shi Keijo Bohyo ’, which depicts her heroic character, into modern Japanese, and explains how the plans to erect monuments in Nagasaki Park and Ueno Park came to nothing.}, title = {【資料紹介】大浦氏慶女墓表について}, year = {2023} }