@article{oai:nufs.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000004, author = {長尾, 博}, journal = {新長崎学研究センター紀要, Journal of the Research Center for Shin-Nagasaki Studies}, month = {Sep}, note = {The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences of university students’ feelings of interpersonal alienation based on vernacular. Study 1, Wagamama scale was constructed to measure the degree of Japanese self-expression. Study 2, 104 Japanese, 87 Chinese, and 62 Korean female students were administered to Wagamama scale. As a result, this scale confirmed Japanese original self-expression scale. Study 3, Male students’ feelings of interpersonal alienation were influenced by self-display and modification of self-expression, while the interaction between amae & complaints and sensitivity to others influenced female students’ feelings of interpersonal alienation.}, pages = {67--86}, title = {日常語を基礎とした大学生の対人的疎外感の性差に関する研究}, volume = {3}, year = {2023} }